my respite8lock!

o8jectively the 8est one on this we8site. i have some cool stuff up on here, like my posters. what's that? you wanna know more a8out the one and only vriska serket? well, who am i to turn you down? ::::)

vriska serket
she/him pronouns (no they/them or i'm feeding you to my lusus)
prospit thief of light
genderfluid les8ian tma
estj 3w4 so/sx 387 sloei choleric chaotic neutral
rpgmaker horror enthusiast and fanatic

hey, just a heads up! every page of this neocities will 8e 8ased on a different thing i enjoy. for this one it's my own respite8lock, and it looks a lot like my own spacehey profile.

my graphics collection!